
Sunday 29 April 2012

Windy Birding

And I don't mean I had been for a curry the night before.  The wind at the top of Balscote Quarry had a chill factor of -2 degrees yesterday.  This was my second visit in the past week to see the Dotterel in the usual field at that destination, but my prime reason for visiting again was to see the two Whimbrel and a Whinchat that also had arrived.  Unfortunately, the conditions were so appalling that anything small was taking refuge in the now lush hedges bordering the field.  I did manage distant views of the two Whimbrel and find some Tree Sparrows and lots of Yellowhammer (that are always a pleasure to see) but just could not find the Whinchat (a bird that I always trouble with seeing each year).  As my birder's wife was (sensibly) in the car keeping an eye on time and keeping dry, I was soon ushered back in her direction as we were on a strict deadline to meet friends within minutes and therefore my birding for a day came to end (not that I would have wanted to stay out in those conditions anyway). 

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