
Saturday 14 April 2012

Draycote Yellows

I had to pop over to Waterworld, not that far from Draycote, in order to buy some pond plant baskets for our blossoming wildlife pond.  So, I left my birders wife at home in chores mode, picked up the Capt and we made our way over to "the pond" (as it is known affectionately by some) via basket purchasing.  As we arrived, we were greeted not only with a few drops of rain but also a Sparrowhawk which flew into the trees ahead of us, not a bad start!  The trees round Toft Bay held Chiff Chaff along with Blackcap in the hedgerows and Linnets flitted along the shore line.  As we ambled along Farnborough Bank along to the Spit, it appeared to be pretty quiet on the bird front.  Upon arriving at the Spit, I scoped the island and was rewarded with a view of a Common Sandpiper, my first for the year.  Things then just got better and better, the Capt spotted two Yellow Wagtails, and as we were checking them out, we noticed a bird with a white rump fly away from us.  Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a pristine Wheatear.  A hunt along the shoreline found us another three Yellow Wagtails, a White Wagtail, another Wheatear and a Ringed Plover.  The wind then whipped up and we decided to take refuge back at the car and made our way home via Lawford Heath to see if we could find anyway Tree Sparrow. Unfortunately we could not find any but came across three Grey Partridges instead, a real treat and a Warwickshire first for me - A great end to a great afternoons birding.

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