
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Capt owls

Myself and the Capt decided for a quick after work visit yesterday to the Napton area to try and find some goodies. Unfortunately, we were a bit too relaxed and ended up arriving at Napton Reservoir just before dusk and didn't really see anything.  Before ambling home we decided to drive to a spot we know where we pretty much can guarantee to see Little Owl perched on fence posts near the road.  As we turned into the road, I immediately spotted a little critter sitting on a tree branch over the road, the Capt backed the car up but unfortunately it was too late and he had flown.  The Capt (h)owled and despite a few attempts to find him again, we could not and retreated back to our respective homes.  Funny that, some years we have no problem finding owls, but this year and last year we have had real problems coming across any.

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