
Friday 25 May 2012

Dreaming of birding

After having a birding free week, the impending mega trip I have scheduled with the Capt and Mike-PCC must have been playing on my mind this morning as I was dozing.  I recall in my dream that I went on a twitch to a deserted church school garden surrounded by hedges to see a Citrine Wagtail and a Red Throated Pipit.  The dream was that vivid that I can remember the exact patterning on the Citrine Wagtail's head, which is very odd as the Wagtail in my dream was nothing like the real life version - I blame it on the home brew that I had drunk earlier in the evening.  It also could have possibly been the beginning of birding cold turkey, after all I have not been out and about since last Sunday.  Our birding trip tomorrow should reverse any further symptoms.

Tomorrow, after an early start (well not that early) at 6:00am we will make our way to Lakenheath Fen in Norfolk to try and see the ever elusive Golden Orioles that turn up there this time of year.  Our previous trips to the area have not been that successful with me only seeing a pair of Golden Orioles just once in about 4 trips.  Hopefully, as the weather forecast is good for tomorrow we may be more fortunate this time. We also hope to visit Weeting Heath for Stone Curlews and then go to the Mayday Farm area for other species like Woodlark, Tree Pipit, Redstart etc.  A nice looking Green Carpet Moth joined us in our conservatory this evening.

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