
Thursday 10 May 2012

Birding from the back door

Not all Birding has to be done from excellent places like Brandon Marsh, Draycote Water, Norfolk, Scotland and the Coast (although I do have a mega day trip planned with the Capt and Mike-PCC later this month to score Golden Orioles and Stone Curlews in Norfolk) but can also be done at home.  For example, the trees close to my house attracted 6 Swallows the other day swooping under the branches catching midgies and I also enjoy our resident Buzzards that occasionally soar high above us on thermals.  There is also a Sparrowhawk who flies quite casually low over the garden to a cacophany of various alarm calls and our Wood Pigeons are busy trying to find an alternative nest site to their normal one which is used to be in a bush, now cut down by a neighbour.  However the highlight at the moment is a family of Blue Tits who have taken up residence in a nest box outside our back door, with eggs that have recently hatched.  Also, after months of believing we have a resident Hedgehog, we have finally seen it and believe it to be a pregnant female - She certainly is enjoying the food we put out for her and now can be seen most evenings stuffing her face then turning round and pooing in the same food bowl..

So, save some petrol and look out your back door, you'll be surprised at what you might see.

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