
Sunday 25 March 2012

Chuffed at Chiff Chaffs

Took another late afternoon stroll at Brandon Marsh this evening with my birder's wife, the Capt and Mike-PCC.  After a few minutes of strolling the long route round the reserve towards the main big hide, we came across our first Chiff Chaff of the year, a delightful little individual singing his heart out while darting from branch to branch nabbing insects.  As we strolled towards "New Hare Covert", we counted another 7 singing Chiff Chaffs and as we entered the wood, encountered a very vocal Goldcrest also singing his heart out.  The view from hides was also rewarding with our first Little Ringed Plover for the year, Redshanks, Lapwings, Snipe, Kingfisher, Wigeon, 2 pristine Lesser Blacked Gulls, 7 Sand Martins and a single Swallow.  As time marched on , we had to rush home for dinner but Mike-PCC stayed on to try and see the Barn Owl.  Unfortunately he missed it again but was rewarded instead with a possible sighting of an Otter instead.

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