
Sunday, 30 December 2018

Roll on next year

It is with a relief that we are at the end of 2018 which has been a tough one with family members playing games, illness and loss of a loved one and continued work issues.  In normal circumstances, one would hope to rely on a steady force to assist in times of trouble, a hobby and people within that hobby to temporarily forget about things but unfortunately that has not been the case.  The less said about that the better as I have no intention of plunging to the same depths of some local birders who enjoy backstabbing, gossiping and lieing.  I can now understand why some birders in our area keep mainly to themselves!

This sounds all very depressing but 2018 was full of good times as well.  I finally managed to see Houbara Bustards and Cream Coloured Coursers and saw some great new birds in the UK, most of them classed as "megas".  The Scillies finally delivered me some good birds and lifers in the shape of Red-eyed Vireo and Grey-cheeked Thrush.  Warwick proved that it is not a total dead zone as far as birds are concerned and that you can see a good variety of birds if you put your mind to it by just staying put in one area.

Below are the highlights of the year in photo format:-

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