
Sunday, 12 October 2014

Twitch at beginning of week - Birding while cycling at the end of the week

I already had Monday booked off last week and decided to take the opportunity to go and see the Steppe Grey Shrike in Norfolk.  I arrived at Burnham Norton at dawn and there was already a crowd of about 20-30 people watching the bird feeding along a hedge about 150 yards away.  As I watched the bird, another birder pitched his telescope next to me and decided to regale me with all the birds he had seen and twitched, bit of a birder bore, so I took my leave and decided to head down to Suffolk to Minsmere to see if I could add another lifer in the form of Little Crake.  Unfortunately, despite waiting for a few hours in appalling conditions, the bird was wise and stayed hidden - heyho, you can't win all the time.

On Wednesday, I did my usual bike ride from Warwick to Ashorne and back and noticed an increase in Jays, with at least 5 seen.  Today, I did a longer ride from Warwick to Loxley and back with the main highlight bird wise in the form of about 100 Rooks on Wellesbourne Airfield.  The grass on the Airfield is quite short and I must remember to pop by there more often to check for Golden Plovers over the coming weeks.

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